
how to adjust and properly set a VRT 3 unloader valve

Unloader - VRT

Hear is a step-by-step tutorial on how to adjust and properly set a VRT 3 unloader valve for a Water Cannon pressure washer:
1. **Gather Necessary Tools**: Commonly, an adjustable wrench and a flat head screwdriver and an inline glycerin filled pressure gauge rated for 4500psi or more would be all you need.

2. **Safety First**: Before working with any equipment, especially one pressurized, it is essential to first unplug or turn it off. Disconnect your pressure washer from the power supply if electric or disconnect the spark plug if gasoline powered for safety reasons to ensure that it doesn't accidentally turn on while you're working.

3. **Identify the Unloader Valve**: Locate the VRT 3 unloader valve on your  Water Cannon pressure washer. It is usually positioned on the side of the pressure washer unit and is typically a knob, bolt or a nut that can be turned by hand or requires a tool.

4. **Preparation for Adjustment**: Before starting the adjustment, open the pressure adjusting knob by rotating it counter-clockwise. This will minimize the spring tension allowing for easier adjustment later on.

5. **Setting the Pressure**: To increase the pressure, turn the unloader valve clockwise. To decrease the pressure, turn the unloader screw counterclockwise. Remember to make small adjustments then test the pressure before adjusting it further.

6. **Testing Adjustments**: Once you've made your adjustments, test the pressure washer by running water through it without turning it on. Check the pressure levels carefully by viewing the inline pressure gauge. 

7. **Fine Tuning**: Models may vary, but usually adjustment occurs by a black knob on top of the valve which can be screwed in for less flow (increased pressure) and screwed out for more flow (decreased pressure). 

8. **Lock Changes**: If your unloader has a locking nut, tighten it after you reach the desired setting. 

9. **Re-test the unit**: Re-test the unit to ensure it is functioning at the desired pressure.

Please note: This guide provided is basic and the exact steps could slightly vary based on the specific model of your Water Cannon pressure washer. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when adjusting the unloader valve. If the pressure washer still isn’t operating as it should, you may need to consult a professional for further assistance. 

Phone: 833.400.0774 - esp: 800.917.9274

10,000PSI Gauge - 3000PSI 1000PSI 5000PSI 6000PSI


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