
Concrete manufacturing


A concrete manufacturing company can use a Water Cannon pressure washer in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Cleaning the surface of concrete molds before pouring new concrete.
  2. Removing hardened concrete residue from mixers, trucks, and other equipment.
  3. Cleaning the surface of freshly poured concrete to remove any surface imperfections.
  4. Cleaning finished concrete surfaces, such as sidewalks and floors, to remove dirt and stains.
  5. Removing graffiti or paint from concrete surfaces.
  6. Cleaning machinery and heavy equipment in the production area, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
  7. Preparing surfaces for painting or coating.
  8. Cleaning epoxy and polyurethane coating from the surface before reapplication
  9. Cleaning and degreasing the oil and grease stain in the manufacturing area
  10. Removing rust and corrosion from the steel reinforcement in the fresh concrete
    It is important to use the appropriate pressure setting, nozzle, and detergent for the task at hand, to prevent damage to the concrete or equipment. Also, proper safety measures should always be taken, such as wearing eye and ear protection and slip-resistant footwear.

    Phone 833.400.0774 


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