
How to maintain a soap injector on a pressure washer


Chemical - Foam Injectors

To maintain a soap injection on a pressure washer, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the pressure washer is turned off or unplugged before performing any maintenance.
  2. Locate the soap injection system, which is typically found near the outlet of the high pressure pump.
  3. Remove the chemical intake hose and filter to ensure they are free of obstruction or dried soap residue. 
  4. Inspect the nozzle or injector for any clogs or blockages. If you find any, use a small brush or needle to clear them out.
  5. Check the hoses and connections for any leaks or damage. If any are found, replace them as necessary.
  6. Turn on the pressure washer and test the soap injection system using the large orifice black soap nozzle to make sure it is working properly.
  7. Repeat these steps on a regular basis to ensure that the soap injection system is always in good working order. 
It's also important to note that you should always use the correct type of soap for your pressure washer, as using an incorrect soap can damage the machine or make it less effective.


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