
Don't allow your engine to lose its head:

 because of a doubtful quality pump! If you can't find what to fit on your engine to make the proper repair because of an un-identifiable pump due low levels of manufacturing or irrelevant models; most likely is not your engine's fault: Find the solution within our pumps Comet/Giant  renew, repair & bring back to life your equipment once again. As an example this image:   http://goo.gl/qr5dso    ...

Complicated Plumbing

It is not necessary to over complicate your plumbing.  Water Cannon supplies a full line of ready-to-install plumbing kits. ...


Pressure Washer Specifications

new page  1800.226.2646 http://www.watercannon.com/t-PW_SPECS.as...


Electric Pressure Washer

This portable, 115 volt, electric powered, tank fed  Pressure Washer from Water Cannon puts out a whopping 3.0 gallons per minute at 1,000 PSI max pressure. This unit is perfect for restricted access cleaning jobs where you have power but no water.    We have mounted the water source on board the unit as a 25 gallon tank on top of the roll cage surrounding the pump and motor of the 2 wheeled machine.  This unit would be...