
Water Cannon has repair parts and kits :

Water Cannon has repair parts and kits to fix your pump.  In so many cases we find or should I say cannot find the label that has the model number on the pump as shown in this picture.  Of course this is critical to ensure we send you the correct parts to fix your pump problem.  A Picture like this is worth a thousand words.  Sometimes we can identify the pump even without the head or manifold removed as shown.  This...


Celebrate our 35th year with

Celebrate our 35th year with FREE Shipping over $35 at checkout 1800.226.2646 http://www.watercannon.com/default.asp...

Spring time startup of your pressure washer

Here are few tips to help get your pressure washer up and running for the cleaning season. The first thing I would suggest is to inspect your equipment from wheels to spray tip.   Add air to the tires, repair or replace them if needed.  Check for any loose nuts and bolts, tighten or replace as needed.  Check the engine oil, 10W-30 motor oil is what Honda recommends.  For the GX series engines you will need to fill the oil right up to the threads at either side of the crankcase or “Fill to Spill” as they say.  For...